Learn to find and flip houses, become a better landlord and get all the money you need for deals.

Click HERE to Register for CFRI's Thursday, February 27 Class "How to Use Land Trusts and LLCs Together for Real Estate Investing Success"

Founded in 1989, CFRI is Central Florida's oldest not-for-profit Real Estate Investor Association.

Central Florida Realty Investors Association, Inc.

CFRI Membership has its Benefits!

Full-time and part-time investors, beginning investors, real estate brokers and agents, business associates, attorneys, accountants, property managers, contractors, renovation specialists, appraisers, bankers, and people such as you who want to enjoy the many benefits of Real Estate Investing in Central Florida.  We service Orlando, Kissimmee, Daytona Beach, Melbourne, The Villages, Clermont, Lakeland, and surrounding areas. 


  • FREE admission to the monthly General Meeting, which attracts local and national expert speakers who share their expertise on various ways to invest and prosper in real estate investing.
  • FREE admission to County Chapter meetings, where you get a hands-on and highly localized format to explore local market conditions and investment opportunities.
  • FREE admission to small and intensive Members Only Focus Groups meetings which dive deep to explore specific aspects of real estate investing (Note: Due to the intimate nature of these groups, attendees must pre-register online  in advance in order to find out the location of the meeting. Be sure to register early! Most groups are limited in size to facilitate in-depth discussion.)
  • FREE monthly electronic newsletter, packed with the popular “Deal of the Month” recap, quality articles from upcoming speakers and Business Members, along with a handy month-at-a glance calendar.
  • FREE online classifieds to post properties ‘For Sale’, ‘For Rent’, ‘Lease To Own’, and ‘Real Estate Wanted’
  • Special discounts offered only to CFRI members from local industry partners.
  • DEEPLY DISCOUNTED National REIA discounts, with industry partners such as Office Depot, Rent Perfect, Partner Ship, Avis and more!
  • GET CERTIFIED with the nationally recognized ‘Professional Housing Provider’ program, administered by National Real Estate Investors Association (National REIA). (Don't know what a PHP credit is? Click HERE for more information.)


NEW Business Member Marketing Opportunity - CFRI General Meeting Sponsor – $400

  • Complimentary Vendor Table in the lobby/registration area of the meeting venue.
  • Company logo on General Meeting flyer/advertisement.
  • 5 minutes on stage to promote your company's product and/or service with a maximum of 3 slides shown on the presentation screen (Slides must be submitted to CFRI one week prior to the General Meeting or sponsor will forfeit this benefit.)
  • Limit one sponsor per General Meeting.

CFRI Business Member Advertising Opportunities & Marketing Benefits

  • CFRI Website Advertising - Rotating website ads can be purchased by CFRI Business Members on a quarterly (3-months) basis at a rate of $75 per quarter. Ads started mid-quarter will be prorated at $25 per month. Quarters are defined as January to March, April to June, July to September, and October to December of any calendar year. The rotating web ad will link directly to the Business Member’s website URL. For more information and to pay for this advertising opportunity, please click the following link https://www.cfri.net/Product.aspx?id=Rotating-Ad-on-CFRI-Website-Business-Members-Only&REI=26-598-6198  or call Buffie at 407-328-7773 for more information.
  • Advertising in the CFRI Monthly Newsletter - Ability to purchase a full-page, full color advertisement in our monthly online newsletter for only $100 per issue, a half-page, full color advertisement for only $50 per issue or a business card size ad for only $25 per issue.
  • Newsletter Article Submission - Ability to submit a "purely informational" 500+ word real estate related article (not an advertisement for your company), written by an associate on your CFRI Business Membership, to be considered for inclusion in an upcoming issue of CFRI’s online newsletter.
  • Listing in the CFRI online Business Member Directory - This listing can be found by visiting the Other Resources tab and then clicking on the Business Member Directory link. Business Members are listed alphabetically by service area. The Business Member Directory includes the company name, main contact person, phone number and live website URL.
  • Listing in the CFRI online Newsletter Business Member Directory - This listing can be found by visiting the Other Resources tab and then clicking on the Newsletter Library link. Business Members are listed alphabetically by service area. The Business Member Directory includes the company name, main contact person, phone number and live website URL.
  • General Meeting Business Member Flyer Table - Display a stack of flyers marketing your products and services in the category in which you were approved at the Business Member Flyer Table at the monthly General Meeting.
  • Vendor Table Rental at Monthly General Meeting - Rent a vendor table for only $100 a month at the monthly General Meeting where you can advertise your products and services in the category in which you were approved. As a reminder, please remember that CFRI does not permit the use of aggressive sales tactics to our members. We provide an environment where our Business Members can advertise and members can approach them if interested. Business Members must register online to rent a vendor table at the General Meeting. Online registration for vendor tables will begin at 10 am the Friday after the General meeting for the following month’s General Meeting. Go to www.CFRI.net and click on the Calendar of Events tab to make your reservation. You must have your CFRI member website login credentials in order to register for a vendor table. Vendor table registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Business Member Announcements at CFRI Group Meetings - Associates on your Business Membership can attend any of the CFRI County and Focus Group meetings (with the exception of the Advanced Investors meeting which requires a separate application) and make an announcement about their business.
  • CFRI Members Only Facebook Group - Join the CFRI Members Only Facebook group and post information about your business which in most cases becomes a conversation starter for our members to join in and make inquiries about the business. Also, many of our members post questions that our Business Members answer. Click on the Facebook image at the bottom of this email to request to join the group.

Business Member Promotion Guidelines

  • No person or business may sell, promote or advertise any competitive educational programs, seminars, meetings, events, products, etc. at any CFRI meetings/events, in any publication or on any CFRI registered social media site that are not co-sponsored by CFRI. If this policy is violated, your Business Membership will automatically be canceled and no refund will be given. If you are interested in teaching a class at CFRI, please email executive@cfri.net with information about your idea for a class.
  • CFRI does not sell nor endorse any coaching or mentoring programs. NO ONE is allowed to promote these type of programs at any of CFRI’s meetings, classes, FB Group, etc. 
  • Business Members are required to include Company Name and Contact Information on all flyers and advertising.
  • Business Members are required to complete a State and/or Federal Licensing Information Form and attend the live, online New Business Member Orientation Meeting before their application can be submitted for consideration to the CFRI Board of Directors.
  • Benefits are subject to change at the discretion of the CFRI Board of Directors.

CFRI Members also have access to the following National REIA Partner Discounts

  • Office Depot
  • 2% Rebate from Home Depot
  • And many more
  • Stay on the Cutting Edge with Technology and Information.
  • Free Professional Real Estate Website (Personal)
    • 6 Prebuilt Webpages (including)
    • Buyers Form
    • Sellers Form
    • Property Listings
  • List your Properties on:

Become A Member Today to access the members website Now!

Our National REIA Sponsors:

 Log into Your Account to See Special Discounts for Several of the National REIA Sponsors.
Member Access Details:
Home Depot Pro Xtra Program - Rebate Reminder

Please make sure your credits cards or other forms of payment are added or linked to your Home Depot Pro Xtra account to accumulate towards your rebates.

Go to National REIA Home Depot Pro

    NATIONAL REIA REBATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM FROM THE HOME DEPOT® is a biannual rebate of 2% of your net sales for your purchases at The Home Depot and Home Depot Tool Rental.

    1. Member Only Benefits: Join CFRI
    2. Register the National REIA Agreement Code: Visible To Active Members
    3. Upgrade to the 20% Gold Paint Program Discount:
      • Once your PRO Xtra Account is succesfully Updated, Send an Email to Visible To Active Members to escalate your membership to the 20% Gold Paint Program discount.
      • Email Subject: Upgrade My PRO Xtra to the 20% Gold Paint Program
      • PRO Xtra #: Include your PRO Xtra account number in the email. Your PRO Xtra number should be your phone number.

    **Enrolled members must spend a minimum of $12,500 each 6 months (Jan-Jun & Jul-Dec) to be eligible. Your rebate will be issued biannually, within 60 days following the biannual rebate periods 6/30 and 12/31. All rebates issued that total up to $1,000 will be paid by a Home Depot gift card.

    January 2025 Rebate Update:

    **Starting January 1, 2025 enrolled members must spend a minimum of $12,500 each 6 months (Jan-Jun & Jul-Dec) to be eligible. Your rebate will be issued biannually, within 60 days following the biannual rebate periods 6/30 and 12/31. All rebates issued that total up to $1,000 will be paid by a Home Depot gift card.

  • 2) Paint Program

    The new National Paint Program for all National REIA Members is very simple. You will receive 20% off Interior and Exterior Paints and Primers including all of the Home Depot quality paints - Behr, Kilz, Glidden & Zinsser (1 gallon minimum purchase required)! All you have to do is key in the number you used to register in Pro XTRA at the checkout to take advantage of the savings.

    Other valuable benefits of the paint program include a PRO Paint Specialist in every store to help with your paint projects and free job site deliveries on all orders over 25 gallons.

  • 3) Cabinet Program

    Now, we have an exclusive cabinet program with discounts for National REIA members of up to 20%! This program offers faster delivery times and includes 3 door styles in 8 different finishes! The stores stock 31 cabinets and accessories per finish backed up with 74 additional products via special order, including bath cabinets. The cabinets come fully assembled and ready to install. Special order items ship in as little as 48 hours but no more than 2 weeks.

    NaREIA Home Depot Cabinets Program

    Kitchen designs with CAD drawings and quotes are typically returned to you from the design team within 48 hours after receiving your measurements and quote request. In addition to the great selection, quality and lead times, you can save 10% on all orders. This can be combined with bulk pricing saving members as much as 20%! Plus don't forget the 2% biannual rebate!

    How to Order:

    1. Visit our Home Depot Cabinet Program landing page at  Home Depot Cabinets For NaREIA
    2. Download the Hampton Bay Catalog and browse the cabinets and finishes available to select your cabinet style.
    3. Login - To Download the Download the DesignConnect Form and complete all information. NOTE: Your Member Number is your Pro Xtra registered phone number. E-mail or fax the completed form to the Design Team at the e-mail address/fax number listed on the form along with any supporting documents such as dimensions, drawings, etc. You may also contact them via the phone number listed with any questions.
    4. Complete the form for the coupon at the bottom of the Home Depot Cabinets For NaREIA page and click send. The coupon WILL be required to receive the 10% discount and is a one-time use coupon.

    NOTE: National REIA will mail the coupon so be sure to request it at the beginning of a project to ensure it arrives in time for purchase.

  • 4) Volume Pricing and the Pro Bid Room

    Volume Pricing and the Pro Bid Room:
    The National Real Estate Investors Association teamed up with The Home Depot to offer all of its members a Material Purchase Rebate Incentive Program (see below for more details). This program is available to all members and offers unbeatable Volume Pricing. This amazing benefit is designed to offer real estate investors and contractors the lowest price possible on job lot quantities. In most cases, a minimum order threshold of only $2,500 is required. * Currently, the average savings through Volume Pricing exceeds 10% nationwide. (depending on products & quantity, visit your local Pro Desk for more details!)

    Simple quotes can be returned within seconds and Contractor Services associates can help you compile and submit your bids. Home Depot now also provides National REIA members commercial credit/financing services, direct to job site delivery and "will-call" pickup options! Whatever you're looking for - lumber, building supplies, plumbing, electrical or hardware items your order of $2,500 or more may be eligible for volume pricing.*


Member Access Details:
Rent Perfect

Landlords are prone to spend too much time and money managing tenants. They lack the right tools to manage confidently and worry knowing the wrong tenant can destroy their investment. The Rent Perfect management software allows them to work and stress less, giving them the tools they need for success at minimal cost. Technology is used to streamline the rental process, starting with the initial application and screening process, to lease signing, payment collection and processing work orders. Licensed private investigators provide a comprehensive background report to help them approve the right tenant and worry less. A customer service team that cares is there to help every step of the way.

National REIA Members can create an account for a one-time fee of just 95 cents using the special referral link. The applicants can pay the screening fee, giving your members free access to time and money saving tools for under a dollar.

Each ordered credit, criminal and eviction background check comes with free access to the Rent Perfect customizable online lease agreement, digital move-in and move-out inspection process, and work order system. Collect rental income securely online with credit bureau reporting for a small monthly fee. Get access to skip tracing, for use with past tenants (a full name and SSN are required).

Your perfect landlord experience starts with Rent Perfect’s Property Management Software...approve the right tenants and put monthly managing on autopilot:

  • Online Applications
  • Background Checks
  • Online Leases
  • Digital Move-In Inspections
  • Rent Collection
  • Works Orders
  • Renter's Insurance
Go to Rent Perfect Website

MSI - Property Insurance

Ask any investor and they’ll tell you they have a lot on their plates – not to mention an eye on the horizon looking for that next deal. Insurance should be one of the last things investors have to worry about especially when it comes to good coverage and quality customer service. MSI (formerly Arcana) knows and understands these concerns. That is why they offer unique, intelligently designed insurance coverage for today’s real estate investors.

Through an exclusive partnership with National REIA, MSI is offering members multiple insurance products specifically designed for Investors. They are focused on delivering quality insurance and protection products to the housing market. They are dedicated to absolute efficiency, excellent personal service, and industry-leading technology. It is their mission to provide customers with streamlined operational processes and state-of-the-art technology.

1024 Wealth

The Infinite Banking Concept is the best place to warehouse your wealth that has guarantees and safety, while providing ready access to your money allowing you to take over the banking function in your life.

Imagine a life without the bank… What would life be like if you never had to borrow from the outside bank again? What if you could borrow from yourself? What if you could create a privatize family banking system that would allow you and your loved ones to have access to, throughout your life and long after you’re gone? Learn More.

Life Insurance - What happens to your family financially if something happens to you? Life will never be free from uncertainty, but when uncertainty is minimized, life can be maximized. No matter what stage of life one is in if someone depends on them financially, one should consider reducing a loved one's uncertainty by protecting them with life insurance. Life Insurance is also the foundation of every solid financial strategy. It helps protect your life and the lives of those you care about most. Learn More.

Instant Term Life Insurance - With Ameritas Instant Term, you can get the life insurance approval you need in minutes instead of weeks. There’s no need for lab work, exams or medical records. You just answer a few health questions on the application to determine if you’re eligible. Learn More.

These insurance programs are offered through our Industry Partner, REIASure.

Accruit | A Millennium Trust Solution

Accruit, a Qualified Intermediary, is one of the leading, independent, service providers of 1031 exchanges. They specialize in these complex financial transactions, so their clients don’t have to. Accruit boasts five in-house Attorneys, dedicated service coordinators for individualized service, and multiple Certified Exchange Specialists. Through their patented 1031 exchange technology they are able to provide a better customer experience through a fully paperless process, electronic signatures, and automated critical deadline reminders. Their team of experts boast over 200 years of combined experience in the 1031 Exchange industry, their clients can feel confident that their 1031 exchange will be completed to the highest standards.

Accruit can facilitate the following types of 1031 Exchanges: Forward, Reverse, Build-to-Suit/Improvement, Specialty “Non-Safe” Harbor Exchanges. Members of National REIA receive 10% off exchange fees.


With special discounts and the highest levels of service there's never been a better reason to rent with Avis! And low rates are just the beginning... they go the extra mile for you with special offers and personalized, attentive service that will put a smile on your face, too. Rates and Reservations are available online 24-7! On Avis.com you can request a rate, create, modify, review or cancel a reservation. Our National REIA Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) is included, and will automatically shop for the lowest rate available. When completed, you'll get instant confirmation of your reservation online and via e-mail.


Looking to save money on car rentals? Then Budget's got a deal for you. Reserve your rental car online and your Budget Customer Discount (BCD) will automatically shop for the best available rate. Complete your rental car reservation and receive instant online and email confirmation of your travel plans! Also, take advantage of great Member Specials - Whether you're renting at the airport or in your neighborhood, Budget always offers great coupons on top of your member discount. Use one of your next getaway or business trip!

Build A Sign

Need a sign or banner to help find that next flip or even fill a vacant unit? National REIA members can save up to 20% on all purchases of Retractable Banners, Yard Signs & accessories, Vinyl Banners and more from the World’s Largest Online Sign Retailer, BuildASign.com. Use their exclusive design templates and graphic elements to build your product from scratch, or upload your own graphics, images and designs and have them delivered right to your doorstop. Members of National REIA receive up to 20% off all purchases of Retractable Banners, Yard Signs and accessories, Vinyl Banners and more. And, for your convenience, all Signage can be purchased right through NREIA’s custom signage portal, buildasign.com/eas/nreia.


CallFire’s easy-to-use platform enables businesses of all sizes to engage with customers instantly on their mobile phones, saving time and money. They offer one of the world’s most trusted communications platforms for voice and text messaging. Use CallFire to compose and send SMS text and voice broadcasts in minutes.


CamaPlan can show you how you can invest in single-family and multi-unit homes, apartments, condominiums, commercial property, land, and foreign property with a self-directed IRA/401k. Best of all, the earnings on your investment are tax-free or tax-deferred, providing you the opportunity to maximize your investment returns. Investing with your IRA or 401K is easy and inexpensive.

NREIA members can choose CamaPlan and save up to $784, including a free consultation with the founder, one year of VIP customer service, and the opportunity to set up a new account for only $1. Plus, there are no annual fees until your first investment. You'll also receive one free expedited transaction processing and two complimentary outgoing wires for your real estate deals.

Open a Self-Directed IRA with CamaPlan and receive:

  • Open a new account and fund it for $25
  • No Annual Fees until your first deal
  • No Fees when in all cash
  • Free Consultation with CamaPlan Founder
  • One year VIP Customer Service
  • One free expedited transaction
  • Two complimentary outgoing wires
  • Dedicated NREIA Phone Number listed in the Member Access Details

See the Member Access Details section to complete the form for a CamaPlan representative to reach out to you.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact helps small businesses do more business! National REIA members now have access to the Constant Contact email marketing system at up to 25% off. Send emails, run promotions, and get feedback, all from one easy-to-use account. Email marketing can help you build stronger relationships with your clients, so they keep coming back.

Need help? Constant Contact’s award-winning coaches are just a phone call away to make sure you succeed.

As a member of National REIA, you get:

  • Easy-to-use products and access to free, branded templates! Simply click on it to update content.
  • Free phone support and live help to get your account started and answer your technical and marketing questions.
  • Great discounts including 10% off monthly, 20% off our 6 month pre-pay fee, or 25% off our 12 month pre-pay fee.

National REIA’s top recommended tool to find off-market deals

Find Leads. Connect with Sellers. Close Deals.

Generate high-quality leads with our trusted data, connect effortlessly with property owners using our dialer and mail platform, and enjoy a magical experience with everything ready instantly, no setup required.

Here are a few key points that differentiate DEALMACHINE from all other software out there:

  • Highest rated & most reviewed app to find off-market deals
  • 10,000+ deals done using DealMachine
  • Includes FREE unlimited skip tracing (saves you $1,000+ on our Starter plan alone!)
  • Includes a FREE Dialer with extremely unique AI features
  • We have best-in-class Driving For Dollars functionality (D4D teams, "planned routes", etc.)
  • We are constantly innovating & evolving. Our public app update history shows this. For example, we just launched the AI Powered Dialer last week.
  • One of the cheaper options out there for all the features you get (everything included is only $119/mo)
  • Our Mail functionality is top tier. Includes unique features like custom mail sequences & handwritten letters.
  • Our support team is the best in the space (reflected in our ratings/reviews)
  • Our community is the most supportive as well. For example, we do weekly calls for our customers with 200+ live attendees every single week.


Investing in distressed real estate represents incredible short and long-term profit potential. Whether your strategy is to “buy and flip” or “buy and hold” - or you’re just looking to crack into a specific local market - Foreclosure.com is loaded with money-rich opportunities.

Foreclosure.com gets its investment-laden listings directly from hundreds of leading foreclosure lenders and government servicers, as well as an extensive network of corporate sellers. We then apply cutting-edge technology to check and doublecheck this valuable investment information to ensure that you are the first to receive the most trusted, accurate property listings available anywhere.

That’s because timing and accuracy mean everything when it comes to successful real estate investing. In addition to a 25% discount, NREIA members receive:

  • Unlimited access to properties nationwide
  • Customized property alerts
  • Access to property photos & aerial maps
  • The ability to contact the best local agents

It’s time to grow your real estate investing portfolio. Foreclosure.com’s best deals don’t last long -- act now before it’s too late.


Local Market Monitor
National REIA members receive 25% off all purchases of Personal Investor Market Reports.

Founded in 1990 by Ingo Winzer, Local Market Monitor began as a quarterly publication before making its way to the Internet. Ingo developed the National Review of Real Estate Markets, which analyzed conditions in 100 US Markets, using such economic data as home values, employment growth, and population growth. He developed the concept of Equilibrium Home Prices, which has proved valuable in assessing real estate market risk during the last two economic cycles.

Local Market Monitor continues to evolve in response to the needs of their customers and advances in technology. They’ve expanded their market coverage and refined their forecast models to enhance the value of their services.


If you’ve ever flipped a house or bought & sold property you have undoubtedly run into a “stink” along the way that you struggled to get rid of. Whether it was from a long-gone mystery pet or maybe an unplugged freezer, it seems everyone has a story.

That’s where OdorXit steps in. You name the odor, and they have a product that can safely eliminate it. Their products are not just a coverup but eliminate the odor at the source. They are safe to use around people, pets and the planet as well as being easy on your bottom-line. In other words, you’ll replace a whole lot less flooring, concrete, tile and grout in your properties which keeps your rehab costs much lower.

ODP Business Solutions

Receive significant savings with the ODP Business Solutions Program. (Formerly known as Office Depot)

What you get when you join the ODP Business Solutions Program:
  • Up to 55% off on office supplies
  • Up to 55% off on cleaning & breakroom items
  • 10% off branded; 20% off private brand ink & toner
  • Average 10% off on over 200 technology core items
  • Free next-day delivery on orders over $20 or more
  • SIGNIFICANT savings on copy & print
  • Customize pricing for the items you buy most often*
  • Specials and Promotions from your favorite brands
Ways to Shop Online:
  • Shop online at www.odpbusiness.com and receive free next business day shipping on orders of $20 or more.
  • Mobile App: After registering, download the mobile app and place your orders online while you're on the go.
  • Buy Online, Pick up in Store: Receive your full contract pricing when you place your order online at www.odpbusiness.com and select store pick up at your favorite Office Depot and OfficeMax store location.
  • Store Discount Program: Receive a standard discount on certain product categories when you shop in an Office Depot or OfficeMax store. Sign up for access to the program and then download the ODP Business Solutions mobile app, to get the program QR code to use in-store.

REIASure - SES Master Policy for Small Multifamily Dwellings

REIASure offers the SES Master Policy for Small Multifamily Dwellings and SES Landlord Insurance Program.

The SES Master Policy for Small Multifamily Dwellings safeguards your entire residential portfolio under one policy. It’s custom built to protect investors with portfolios comprised of residential rental properties and small multifamily dwellings. What’s more, their policy enables you to add assets at any time throughout the course of the term, providing valuable flexibility to grow your portfolio. The real estate investment industry is dynamic and requires a fluid approach to portfolio and risk management. Our program allows you to focus more on your client and less on the day-to-day transactional aspects of property investors.


Time is money and when investors are able to spend less time doing legwork and more time negotiating the next deal, their bottom-line gets bigger and their bank account grows larger. This notion is a reality with REIPro’s new revolutionary software platform that walks you through the entire buying and selling process, step-by-step, regardless of what real estate strategy you’re using.

REIPro has combined a wealth of real estate investing knowledge and the most innovative software technology to bring you an amazing platform – an all-in-one Real Estate Investing Software Tool. They do this by automating many of the time-consuming aspects of investing, providing top quality lead generation, and packaging everything in an easy to follow, step-by-step format that not only makes sense to seasoned investors, but also takes the guess-work out of things for new investors just getting started. These items include: Nationwide Leads, Executable Step System, Marketing Tools, Direct Mail Engine, Contracts, and even more cool tools!

Thanks to a special arrangement with REIPro, members of National REIA receive discounted pricing on all REIPro packages.

Title Search Direct

Title Search Direct provides investors with actionable title intelligence on any US residential address. Our title reports are a pre-screening tool used to verify ownership & encumbrances before you make an offer (mortgages, liens, judgements, wills, estate information, easements, covenants, conditions & restrictions). If your offer is accepted, we have a national closing agent who can close your transaction anywhere in the US. Order and receive your report online 24/7 at www.TitleSearchDirect.com.

*** Membership in CFRI includes membership in National REIA.