How to Build a Profitable Real Estate Investment Business You'll Fall in Love With!
So much of what we learn about real estate investing is strategic:
HOW Do I: Find Deals, Get Money, Manage Tenants, Do Renovations?
And that’s all important, but if you want to build a profitable, sustainable, and FUN real estate career, it’s JUST as important to step back and ask bigger questions, like:
“Am I sure that I’m focusing my time and efforts on the right things?”
“Is the strategy I’m pursuing the right fit for me, in the long run?”
“Am I building a business that supports my bigger vision for my life, or one that’s going to consume all of my time and energy?”
“Am I loving what I’m doing, or do I do it for the money?”“Am I sure that I’m focusing my time and efforts on the right things?”
Here’s a big secret that goes against the grain of what you may believe about real estate success: it’s not about who you are, or where you came from, or how hard you hustle. It’s about doing what most people don’t: thoughtfully, intentionally designing a business that fits your vision, your lifestyle, your passions, and your personality.
Shaun McCloskey has been helping some of the highest-level real estate investors and gurus in the country do exactly that for over a decade, and now he’s making a very rare association appearance to help US have a more prosperous AND joyful 2024.