CFRI Brevard County Monthly Lunch Meeting
"CFRI Investors Connect & Exchange"
Friday, January 3
11:30 am - 1 pm
Attend this new monthly CFRI lunch meeting to connect with RE Investors and exchange ideas, deals & resources.
River Rocks Restaurant, 6485 South US-1, Rockledge 32955
Please Pre-register below.
Free for CFRI Members
First Time Guests can attend for FREE with coupon code
$10 for Non-members
When: The first Friday of each month from 11:30 am - 1 pm
Leader: Esteban Romero
Location: River Rocks Restaurant, 6485 South US-1, Rockledge 32955
Cost: CFRI Members – FREE
First Time Guests - FREE (use discount code FREE when pre-registering)
Non-Members: $10 per person
The non-member fee of $10 per person can be applied to CFRI membership fee if you join within two days of attending and proof of payment is provided. Contact the CFRI office for details at 407-328-7773 or executive@cfri.net.